GEDI’s Level 1 and 2 products will start to become available on the MAAP in late 2019, with level 4A products coming available in 2020. The Level 2A and 2B products should be of particular interest to MAAP users, as they include GEDI waveforms that have been processed for easy interpretation, containing biophysical variables. These products provide geolocated GEDI waveforms with terrain elevation, canopy height, canopy profile metrics, and Leaf Area Index (LAI).Level 4A data, coming later, will provide point estimates of AGBD for the anticipated ~10 billion cloud-free surface returns from the GEDI mission. For more information please refer to

GEDI on orbit data will include elevation and height data, as shown here. The four waveforms at the top of the figure are from individual GEDI shots, each representing the cross sectional profile from a ~25 m diameter on Earth’s surface. The transect represents a profile along-track showing varying surface and canopy height elevations.